viernes, 10 de enero de 2014

World Federation of Athletes Against Drugs.-

La  World Combat Union, ha firmado un acuerdo de reconocimiento de colaboración con la World Federation of Athletes Against Drugs.

Los dos presidentes han comprendido que la importancia de los deportes, es la conciencia de la salud, sobre todo de los deportistas más jóvenes.

Kaya Muzaffer ILICAK, Presidente de la World Federation of Athletes Against Drugs, ha mostrado profundo interés en el trabajo de la WCU.

La sede de esta importante organización Internacional se encuentra en Turquía.

La World Federation of Athletes Against Drugs, a través de su Presidente será el representante oficial para este hermoso país hermano.


The World Combat Union has signed a recognition agreement of collaboration with the World Federation of Athletes Against Drugs.

The two presidents have understood the importance of sports, is the awareness of health, especially for younger athletes.

Muzaffer Ilicak Kaya, President of the World Federation of Athletes Against Drugs, has shown keen interest in the work of the WCU.

The headquarters of this important international organization in Turkey.

The World Federation of Athletes Against Drugs, through its President shall be the official representative for this beautiful country brother.

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