miércoles, 21 de enero de 2015


Proposed by TotiVinti Shihan( General Secretary of International Wushu Sanda Federation)

Logogram Wu 武 Chinese language indicates the adjective "military" (as opposed to the term Wen 文 meaning "civil, cultural") and also owns the specifications of martial, brave and proud.
Shu 术 instead logogram translated as "art, skill, ability, technique."
It follows that the correct interpretation of the word Wushu is naturally "martial art".

Chinese martial arts are methods for self-defense, used and perfected over thousands of years; but it also says that they are traditional techniques derived from classical Chinese medicine to maintain or restore the psycho-physiological; you may also believe that Wushu is an ancient Chinese sport, born of a popular base akin to the art of dance and theater; but it certainly represents a precious heritage of Chinese civilization, which today is penetrating, after thousands of years of evolution, more and more into the fabric of western society.

All these statements are not wrong, however, are incomplete: it should be pointed out as the Wushu in Chinese history, that is, the martial art, and the Wenshu, namely the literary art, have always shared a close correspondence; if the Wushu was the means for attack and defense, to dominate the country and to recover lost territory, however, was the Wenshu, namely the classical cultural education, to ensure its functionality, as well evident from reading the treated Chinese Art of War. The conclusion is to place the Wushu beyond the simple Western concept of sports, by virtue of its manifest ability to develop and cultivate the moral and cultural education of the practitioner.

Tracing the history of Chinese civilization is evident how they were used and many different terms to indicate martial arts (only those most frequently used amount to more than fifty).

During the interminable Feudal Age, a period ranging from XX to the seventh century BC, the Chinese martial arts were mainly calls:

Quanyong 拳 勇 (Fists and Courage)

Shoubo 手 搏 (Fight with your hands)

JUELI 角力 (Try the force)

Xianggao 相 搞 (outdo one another)

Between the years 770 and 221 AC, so during the period called the Warring States, new terminology appeared to indicate the martial arts, such as:

JIJI 技 击 (Attach with skills)

Xiangbo 相搏 (hitting with fists)

JUEDI 角 抵 (Fighting)

The term dates back to this Wuyi; although later they were in vogue other names, it still remained for many centuries the most frequently used.

The current term Wushu made its first appearance in the work entitled "Zhao Ming Taizi Wenxuan" (ie the "Collection of writings of the illustrious heir apparent"); its author Xiao Tong, who lived 501-531 DC dabbled in literature at the court of Nanjing, which was then a center of art and culture, did flourish by the will of his father, Emperor Liang Wudi.

And 'well, however, specify how the word Wushu, even in later centuries, never became popular use as the one already mentioned Wuyi.

The revaluation of the term Wushu was not until 1911, when the last imperial dynasty collapsed and from its ashes arose the Republic of China; this institution was shaken during 1926, similar to many European nations, the rise of the far right politics: the single party of nationalists, said Kuomintang, founded, among other innovations modernist, the Central School of Nanjing, which through research , publications and training courses operated a new interpretation of traditional martial arts, defining the term Zhongguo Wushu, which in practical use was always abbreviated Guoshu (ie the '' National Art ").

Even today the term is punctiliously Guoshu preferred by teachers who live in the Republic of China in Taiwan, founded in 1949 by refugees from the nationalist faith, after the defeat of the civil war against the Communists.

Instead, in the Republic of China, after an initial period of ban on martial arts, he resumed the practice under the aegis of the state, which could see in these traditional arts, as indeed in many aspects of Chinese culture, a possible connecting bridge between the past of China, still permeated by the feudal mentality, and the new man of the modern world socialist.

Survived the years of the Cultural Revolution, the Chinese martial arts landed in 1958 to the founding of the Chinese Wushu, state body that imposed the practice throughout the country, by organizing seminars and lectures for the public, within schools, factories, public gardens, as well as founding Institutes, at the capitals of the regions, acts to the formation of competitive practice of Wushu.

1985 coincided with the meeting of the Committee of Association of the International Wushu Federation, near the ancient Chinese city of Xi'an; in the drafting of documents, the Committee considered it more appropriate to use the Pinyin transliteration of the term "martial art" and stated that in future it would use the term Wushu, to the detriment of any other.

In the year 1998, thanks to the Asian Olympic Committee, for the first time in history, the Chinese martial arts under the name of Wushu, made their entrance into the Asian Olympic sport, as a competitive discipline official XI Asian Games.

E 'therefore understandable that today where Wushu has become a competitive sport while retaining its traditional practice and Healthy, the disclosure of which is international, it is a duty on the part of all its practitioners and admirers unify the name within Wushu.

We quote the words of Xu Cai, sports manager of the Republic of China "is fully understandable that the Chinese people has become a cultural heritage such as the Wushu in a national art, a skill national; However the current Wushu walking towards the world ... and you have to say that it is a Chinese Wushu Wushu is also a world, so call him General of Wushu is the most logical and sensible; when the Judo entered in competitive specialties official of Olympic sports, it has not been preceded by the Japanese, but everyone knows that is a Japanese sport that has spread around the world. "

The practice of Wushu is the Chinese people a tradition as old as its ancient civilization, but in the rest of the world is still a recent event; it logically follows that unfortunately still the use of the term Wushu is not uniformly spread throughout the world, often preferring to place several other names (especially Kung Fu, Guoshu, Gong Fu Quan ago, etc.). clearly this situation serves no other purpose than to be confusing to those who are unfamiliar with this discipline or would like to approach it.

In this regard it is worth clarifying the long-standing controversy over the proper meaning of the word Kung Fu, spreading to Europe in the early 70s as a result of the spread on the market of Western films produced in Hong Kong, first of all those performance-based martial artist Li Xiaolong, who later became a cult figure internationally under the name of Bruce Lee Americanized.

Kung Fu is nothing but a transliteration Anglo-Saxon, which uses the transcript said Wade Gyles, the term Chinese Gong Fu.

Logogram Gong 功 mean feat, meritorious, heroic act, skill, dexterity, skill and work.

Logogram was 夫 indicates man; is an ending similar to -ore (eg. employee) or -ista (eg. electrician).

Gong Fu 功夫 is then translated as "time and energy spent in the work" or "degree of perfection reached in an activity."

Within the Chinese language dialect, spoken in the southern provinces of China, such as Guangdong and Guangxi, the term also means Gongfu martial art; However, in the official language of China and in the dialects of the north has never been used with that meaning.

Historically it is good to note that the word Gongfu, without reference martial, was introduced for the first time in Europe around two hundred years ago, through the writings of some French missionaries who during their stay in China were interested in Taoist practices of energy control (Xingqi Zhi Gong).
A well-known Chinese proverb says: "Zhiyou Gongfu Shen Zhen Tiechu Mocheng" that can be made with "only through a deep and meticulous work can grind an iron bar to make it into a needle."

The moral contained in this proverb is clear: only through a stubborn and hard work you can achieve positive results, for Chinese culture that morality can be referred to each craft and art, and also to the martial arts.

In fact, those who want to learn Wushu is forced to work for longer or shorter periods, with a constant commitment, arduous and meticulous (Gongfu); must train the fundamental techniques (Ji Ben Gong), assimilate the essence of skill (Gongdi) understand the virtue of the ability (Gongde) and be able to actually apply the multiple forces that make such skills (gongli).

What has been said is clearly emphasized that Wushu is not the Gongfu; However, it is customary practice of the Chinese measure words in the execution capabilities of Wushu through higher or lower prevalence of Gongfu in those who practice it.

For example, say that that person has very Gongfu in his Wushu, means that his martial art is powerful.

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